Many relationship problems are very common, and no matter how frustrating they are, there are often simple solutions that can help you and your partner overcome the problem. The smallest peeve may be annoying, leaving it untouched can cause a serious problem. Some issues are clear deal-breakers, but not everything should end a relationship. Here are some common relationship issues and some solutions that can prevent the relationship from going wrong.

Lack of trust 

If you and your partner do not trust each other, your relationship is not in good shape. Trust is the foundation of important relationships whether romantic, platonic, or family. If you find that your relationship lacks trust, it is important to reach the root of the problem. Have you or your partner done anything to lose mutual trust (lying, cheating, lack of commitment, trauma from previous relationships, etc.) or was trust never established due to a lack of comfort with one another? Finding the cause of the problem is a reasonable way to regain trust. To build trust, it is important to make your needs transparent. When you and your partner learn to meet each other's needs, you will feel reassured in your relationship and it will build your trust. When discussing your needs, it is important that both partners listen to and promise to meet the needs of the other. Scheduling dates with each other is a great way to have enough time to discuss your needs with your partner, as you may find it difficult to have an emotional conversation suddenly. Dedicating time for this kind of discussion will prove to each other that you care and are worthy of being trusted.

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Don't prioritize relationships 

As you and your partner become more and more comfortable with each other, it's easy to get used to taking your partner for granted. When this happens, it's easy to fall into the pattern of not prioritizing your relationship. It's important to pursue separate hobbies and maintain social ties outside your relationship, but you and your partner should also spend enough time together. This can be difficult when life gets busy, but finding activities that you enjoy together or making weekly date nights can make a  difference in your relationship. Taking the time to prioritize your time together in your busy schedule will help you and your partner maintain your bond.

Bad communication 

Communication is the basis of any good relationship. In short, a lack of communication can lead to the collapse of any good relationship. Communication is important in itself, but it is also central to many other aspects of your relationship, and lack of communication can lead to many other related problems. If your relationship suffers from communication problems, you should try to express yourself together and you should encourage them to do the same. This isn't as easy as it sounds, so it's a good idea to keep communication tips and tricks in your pocket. First, make sure you're talking face-to-face. We often find it much more comfortable to have text messages and harsh conversations over the phone, which can often lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings. Communication is also honest. If you have any concerns, it is important to point them out to your partner. Establishing good rapport and asking questions can often help your relationship thrive.

Lack of boundaries 

Setting boundaries is an important part of any relationship, whether it's a physical boundary, a social media boundary, or a boundary between spending time together and spending time away. .. People have different tolerances for certain things. In other words, it can be difficult to list what should be included in the boundaries of a  perfect relationship. The bottom line is that both you and your partner need to clearly communicate your boundaries and respect the boundaries that are set. By setting the boundaries of a healthy individual, you can feel protected in your relationship and take responsibility for your actions and emotions. If you feel that the boundaries are being violated, it is important to discuss them with your partner. As long as you want your partner to be able to read your mind, if you don't express yourself, they won't know how you feel! You and your partner should consider ~ check-in ~ (as discussed above). Then you will have a safe space to talk about your needs! It is important to understand that boundaries can change over time. Therefore, frequent check-ins can meet your needs and prevent the lack of boundaries from breaking relationships.

Boring sex 

The physical part of the relationship is as important as the emotional connection that you and your partner share. After a while together,  sex often feels stale or boring after a bit of time together, which can lead to less sex and less sexual attraction to your partner. To avoid falling into this rabbit hole, it's important that you and your partner are open about your sex life and whether your needs are met in the bedroom. Talking about such things can sometimes feel awkward, but it is imperative to keep sexual sparks alive. Not only will it help you communicate, but it will also help you do external research on how to liven up your sexual life. There is a ton of online resource that provides suggestions to improve foreplay, different positions to try, and some more adventurous options if that’s your thing. Exploring sex with your partner can help you avoid boring sex while strengthening your physical connection and ultimately contributing to a happy and healthy relationship.

Learn How to Rekindle and Spice Up Your Marriage And Relationship with this ebook.

Not enough compromise 

As explained above, all relationships have conflicts, and resolution of conflicts often means that you and your partner must compromise to overcome the discrepancy. Compromise is an important part of the solution, but it is important that both partners are willing to compromise. If the partner does not want to compromise, it is a) whether your conflict will continue and you will repeat the same battle over and over  (as discussed above ...) or b) one partner will end up compromising more than the other. In the dynamics of relationships, it is common for one person to be less prone to conflict and eager to find a solution. This allows that person to make more compromises than others to find a solution. It's not a dynamic and healthy relationship, as one person compromises everything and the other always gives way. This makes the compromiser feel unheard of and can even lose his sense of self in the relationship. To avoid unequal compromises, you and your partner should practice sound conflict management and actually discuss your feelings and how you plan to resolve the conflict. This may require you and your partner to call each other from time to time, but it is important to ensure that everyone in the relationship has an equal opinion. Sometimes people are unaware of avoiding their compromises, so pointing them out and making more kind suggestions can help them become more aware and accountable.

Have the same difficulty 

Every couple has fights, and conflict is actually an important part of any relationship. Conflicts help you and your partner overcome disagreements and uncover certain things that are lurking beneath the surface and causing problems. And while conflict is important and inevitable, not all fights are necessary or good. Part of what makes a conflict sound is a solution that comes to the end of the dispute when you and your partner can work together to compromise or resolve it. However, if you can't find a solution, you'll end up repeating the same argument over and over again, potentially breaking the relationship altogether. In order to avoid the same battle, you and your partner should have a productive fight that always leads to dissolution. Don't get me wrong, the solution does not always mean that you get what you want, or that the fight wasn’t painful, but finding a way to move past the fight is a crucial part of any relationship. Resolution might entail compromise from one person or both sides, it might mean a change in behavior or attitude, or it might be a plan for how to overcome something. All conflicts will have different resolutions, but if you and your partner learn to fight in a productive way, you will avoid having the same fights again and again, and your relationship will be stronger.

You don't like each other's friends

Even if you have a relationship, it is important that both you and your partner maintain the social group to which you belonged when you were single. It's not healthy to always be together as a couple. Maintaining your own close social circle will help you avoid falling into the trap of this relationship, especially in the early stages. The only problem is that sometimes we don't like our loved one's friend ... and that can be a super tricky problem to manage. If your friends are having a negative impact on your partner, it may be worth discussing this with your partner and encouraging them to look for new social circles. But often he/she just doesn't like your group of friends. In such cases, you should consider limiting the amount of time you spend with them. It's better to avoid these people than to give an ultimatum because they don't want this to be a situation of you vs. them or relationships vs. friendship. It can be a good idea to schedule friend time into your life, and instead of hanging out with their friends, you can head your separate ways and hang out with your own pals. It’s always best to try and get along with the people that are close to your significant other, but if that just absolutely isn’t happening, you can get creative and maximize time with your own friend group so that your partner’s friend don’t become a deal-breaker in your relationship.

Financial problems 

Whether you're deciding on who pays for the date or have a joint checking account, financial issues are often a major issue in relationships at any stage. The taboo nature of finances often leads people to avoid discussing things like debt, spending habits, and budgets, but this can lead to huge problems in your relationship. Being honest and open about your finances from the beginning of a relationship is a great way to avoid financial problems as a couple. If you're already dating and struggling financially, a Personalized financial app like PiggyVest can help you keep your finances healthy. Establishing good communication and unjudgmental policies will help you and your partner overcome financial difficulties without becoming a trading breaker.

Learn How to Rekindle and Spice Up Your Marriage And Relationship with this ebook.

Insecurity about the future

As important as it is to live in the ‘now’ during your relationship, it’s also super important to talk about what your future holds as a couple. Depending on the stage of your relationship, the future can mean a lot of different things. Are you just hooking up now and want to become exclusive? Are you dating and want to move in together? Do you want to talk about marriage or life companionship in some other form? All of these things are important to discuss, and failure to do so can lead to insecurity, anxiety, and miscommunication about what you want. To avoid experiencing insecurity about the future, you and your partner should discuss what you want your future to look like. Doing this can require a degree of tact (after all you don’t want to scare them off on a first date...), but relationships tend to go through a natural progression, and at certain stages, it will feel comfortable to broach different questions about the future. Creating an open dialogue about your feelings for one another, your plans for the future and your expectation about your relationship will help you avoid feeling insecure about the future.

Learn How to Rekindle and Spice Up Your Marriage And Relationship with this ebook.

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